Sunday, November 9, 2008

Election 2008

Explain your reaction to the results of the 2008 election.
Why is this election important to you?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Practice Blogging: Who is the best musical artist?

Tell you what artist you think is the best & why.
Read what others say about their favorite artists.
Try to convince them why your artists is really the best.

Practice Blogging: What's the Best Movie?

Tell us your favorite movie & why.
Read the blogs of others & comment on what movies they think are the best.
Try to convice others that your movie is the best.

McCain: Illegal Immigrants

No path to legalization. “We oppose amnesty. The rule of law suffers if government policies encourage or reward illegal activity.” Deny federal funds to “sanctuary cities” for illegal immigrants. (Senator John McCain co-sponsored a 2006 bill that called for establishing guest-worker program and setting up a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants that included learning English and paying fines.) (

Obama: Illegal Immigrants

Require those “living here illegally but otherwise playing by the rule” to “get right with the law.” Support a system that requires undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, pay taxes, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens (

Obama: Government Budget

Enforce pay-as-you-go budgeting rules. Honor these rules by ending Iraq war, eliminating waste in existing government programs, generating revenue by charging polluters for releasing greenhouse gases and ending "special interest driven corporate loopholes and tax cuts for the wealthy." Put all non emergency bills, passed by Congress, online for five days, to allow the public to review and comment on them before they are signed into law. Publish searchable, online information about federal grants, contracts, earmarks, loans, and lobbyist contacts with government officials. (

McCain: Government Budget

Impose an immediate moratorium on the earmarking system and reform the appropriations process through full transparency. One-year pause in non-defense, non-veterans discretionary spending. Call for presidential line-item veto. "New authorizations should be offset by reducing another program, and no appropriation should be permitted without a current authorization." (