Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama: Rising cost of Higher Ed

Barack Obama, US Senator (D-IL), stated in an Apr. 6, 2005 article titled "Remarks of Senator Barack Obama at the Herblock Foundation Annual Lecture" on his official candidate website:
"And so, as I stood in those Illinois colleges listening to students tell me about their problems, I started thinking, when did the cost of college stop becoming our problem? When did the headlines about skyrocketing tuition start getting crowded out by Michael Jackson and Martha Stewart, and when did this national priority start playing second fiddle to the latest partisan food fight in Washington?
I'm not sure, but I do know that I've met enough good citizens who think about the other guy and want to change this. And I believe there are enough members of both parties who want to start this country down the path of making college affordable and accessible for every American...
I believe it's time for Congress to follow your lead. This week, I'm introducing the Higher Education Opportunity through Pell Grant Expansion Act - the HOPE Act. This bill will make college more affordable for 430,000 Americans by increasing Pell Grant awards."Apr. 6, 2005 Barack Obama

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